2008년 8월 29일 금요일

* 2009 Swing Dance Event in Korea

* You can see a bigger table when you click the picture above.

* Location of Swing Bars in the southern districts (Deagu, Busan, Gwangju and Jeju)

[Swing Bars in Deagu]
* Will be updated soon

[Swing Bars in Busan]
*Overview (Subway map) - http://www.subway.busan.kr/english/03/01_01.php

8. Latino

9. Sosa

[Swing Bars in Gwangju]
* Will be updated soon

[Swing Bars in Jeju]
* Will be updated soon

2008년 8월 26일 화요일

* Location of Swing Bars in the central districts (Incheon, Suwon and Deajeon)


[Swing Bars in Incheon]
* Will be updated soon

[Swing Bars in Suwon]
* Will be updated soon

[Swing Bars in Deajeon]
* Overview 1
* Overview 2 (Subway map) - http://www.djet.co.kr/info/m01_01_02.jsp

3. Havana & 4. Azucar

5. Siesta